Well, making a list online of stuff we need to buy, or, even better, have other people buy for us.
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It's like Trick R' Treating, expect instead of knocking on doors for candy, we hope someone buys a crib because they're very expensive. |
After typing in "What do Babies Need" into the Google and becoming instantly overwhelmed with the lists of all the stuff that I would need to buy in order to prove to my child that I do not want her to hate me, I decided to just go off of the still rather extensive "Registry Checklist" on the Baby R' Us's website.
At this point in the blog, I just going to make a list of all of the things that I learned, since this entire process was a learning experience, in that I learned that there are several different types of bottle nipples and I also learned I am still bad at being organized at doing things. Welcome to my world, people.
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These all do different things, and I have no idea what that is and how it works, oh god, what is happening?! |
1. Cribs Do Not Come With Crib Mattresses
This makes really no sense to me. I mean, I know mattresses don't automatically come with frames in grown up land, but that doesn't make sense either.
You know what, now that I've written it down, it makes more sense, because you might need a new mattress before you need a new frame. Maybe I should erase this first post and come up with a different number one.
Nah, I've gone too far. Moving on.
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Inserting appropriate movie reference right about here. |
I'm not exaggerating here. Like two thirds of the things on the registry list came back with some pediatric group saying that it was not safe: crib bumpers, swaddlers, pretty much everything is horrifying, which is greatly appreciated from this first time parent who is still seeing all these things for sale and wondering why they are essentially selling me tiny baby murder tools.
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Admittedly, that mini crossbow is really adorable. |
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Or, as I like to call it, rolling a baby burrito. |
Luckily, I do not believe everything I read on the Internet, so I'm going to go ahead and say these are probably exaggerations, but still, that's a lot of pressure to put when on someone when they're trying to figure out what their baby will need.
Also, there was a lot of articles telling me to not get a crib, and just a co-sleeper, which is not happening. (And I am NOT judging people who do this, it's just not for me.) Not that I don't enjoy the prospect of seeing my baby first thing every morning, (or smelling exactly when she poops, right at head level) but there is only one thing that I can think of when I look at co-sleepers at stores...
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Behold: The Cock-Blocker, Co-Sleeper Edition |
I am exaggerating for comedic effect, of course, but there are seriously a bunch of different types of strollers, and it is hard to figure out which one's you actually need, as opposed to just being a giant extra thing with wheels that costs $300.00 and will just get covered in cat hair and baby vomit.
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I typed in cat stroller as a joke, and discovered it is real. Thank you, Internet. |
From what I've read (famous last words, right) it seems like one, nice stroller, is all that is necessary, so that's nice, but also now we have to make decisions, and decisions are hard.
We can automatically drop out on the double/triple strollers, as there is only one human in me, and I will not actually be taking one of the cats for a ride along with baby. Umbrella stroller is out too, since those are the ultra-collapsible ones that are pretty cheap, and seem a bit flimsy to trust a newborn in. Originally, after actually going to the store and checking it out, we decided on a jogging stroller, since it folded up nice and easy, looked comfy, and seemed pretty easy to push around. However, after doing some more research, they aren't meant for babies under six months of age, either, since they don't recline.
I tried looking online at pictures on the website to figure out what a better fit would be, but ended up getting distracted by someone posting a video of Korean people twerking to classical music, so we're gonna put a pause on actually deciding for realsies till we can get back to the store and actually check out some strollers, hands on style.
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I can't come up with a snarky comment. I just want to watch this forever. |
Seriously, the entire wall of sheets at the baby store is mostly white with adorable characters on them.I understand how cute they look, but I also understand how hard poop stains are to get out of white sheets.
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Don't look at me like that, Clint Eastwood. I have long-harired cats, and they get dingleberries. |
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Hilarious. You had me at Harold and Kumar.